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Welcome Patriots!

Why nothing has changed and why Trump ma
2020 Hindsight Vision Makes Everything P
What in the world is happening? Mass deception and corruption has taken over America. Even Congress bows to deny Just Elections.
Read Story
Detectives, Conspiracy Theories, Propaga
How 2020 Hindsight Vision Makes Many Things Perfectly Clear
Read Story
what will it take to see justice reign i
Was a Coup orchestrated by the Left/Dems? Are not Left-Wing news media, Big Tech and Billionaires complicit?  Read story
Will 2021 = 1776? What can keep Joe Biden from The White House?
Read about the 7 Events that could overturn the election. Read story
is covid-19 the Pearl Harbor of 2020 - I
Is Covid-19 governor tyranny direct result of MSM fear mongering?
is civil war in America Inevitable - 72.
Is America Destined for Civil War If Election Fraud is Not Justly Ruled Upon?
Can America heal without just elections
Dems ready to vote to pass Bill to get A
​Dems Ready to Vote for Bill to get America High to Pave the Path for Universal Basic Income and Free Pizza

Yes, that’s right! The Democrat Party has sponsored a bill to decriminalize marijuana across America. That House vote may happen today or next week. We also know the Democratic Party wants to pass legislation to provide Universal Basic Income.

We’ve seen a planned destruction of America’s freedom and economy in 2020 via means Rogue Governors acting like Kings and issuing orders based upon Covid-19 being an actual emergency. Read story

Frank Turek speaking at Calvary Chapel C

Frank Turek is an apologist, speaker,  evangelist, author. 


Frank's website is


If you are searching for the Truth about God, watch it.


If you would like to learn how amazingly deep the Love of God is for us watch this video. Spoiler alert it's as deep and wide as the whole universe.


CCCH service 11-15-20 - 72.jpg

At end of services on November 15 Pastor Jack Hibbs gave an alter call.

Many came forward to accept Jesus as their Savior.

What Should the Blue & You Do Regarding
this is how to securely count votes - 72

We need a secure, transparent and accurate system to count votes or vote recounts. Here's the gist of the idea.


1. Conduct vote counting by paper ballots only.

2. Air Livestream video of each paper ballot being tallied.

3. Have in-person and multiple auditors manually tally votes.

Does not America need this vote counting system offering a secure, accurate and transparent way to achieve just elections?


What works in Vegas, in this case, should not stay in Vegas, but be used to save America.


Read full story

Benjamin Frankilin - A Republic if you c
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing -
john adams - a moral and religious peopl
Receiving the Keys
Back-the-Blue - web.jpg

  Read why the KEY to UNLOCKING 

our Future Freedom is Revival 

Why does voter fraud still exist in 2020
true cost of Covid Strategy - 715 W - 72
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 Scroll down to read Our Mission..

Watch recent top "Must Watch" videos below.
Watch all our Honorary Partner videos here.

Tucker Carlson - dec 17 - there will be

Hear share the Totalitarian views or the Left and Democratic leaders. 

Tom Hughes guest Interview with Trevor L

Hear the scary, but real story of how Dems are trying a Socialist/Communist Revolution in USA. 

Calvary Chapel Chino Hills - Futures - A

Hear about the soon coming Rapture and 7-year Great Tribulation that you want no part of.

Dr. Judy Mikovits & Rob McCoy - FSC 245

Hear the amazing Dr. Judy Mikovits share about vaccines, masks, PCR tests and more!

godspeak with the Ortas in escaping comm

Hear eye-opening story about how this couple as kids escaped Cuba when Castro took over. 

Olive Tree Ministries - Jan Markell and

Hear about the dangers of Socialism and
Communism and how revolutions are launched.

Socialism - william j federer - 72.jpg

Watch this amazing message about the REAL HISTORY of Socialism: From Plato the Present.

Our Mission
Be a platform for Good focused on connecting Believers locally and nationwide to protect our Constitution, expand freedom, support good causes and churches, share the Good News, grow Knowledge, Wisdom that reveals Truth, exposes Lies and provides path to Hope, Joy, Peace and Love for all through Jesus.

Get unique content IN OPPOSITION to the Left's Mainstream Media and cultural "News Narrative" supporting Socialism, abortion, lawlessness, many evil things. We proudly support our Constitutional Republic, that grants us Life, Liberty, Freedom of Speech & Religion, Bearing Arms. And we honor the One, True God of the Bible that has greatly blessed America. We'll also address our Big Problems and post possible solutions.

Follow us on Social Media. We post daily on FB.
Read our articles. Watch Sermons.
Get connected with local Churches.
Discover great pastors & media sources.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Proverbs 1:7


"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out."

Proverbs 18:15


"and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."

2 Thessalonians 2:10


"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."

1 John 1:7


"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Romans 12:2


"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

John  14:6

Spiritual Condition determines worldview
no regret accepting Jesus vs forever reg
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Citizens ReUnited was founded to reunite Christians and patriots toward the goal of restoring our Constitutional Republic, sharing the gospel of salvation and the blessed hope of the soon return of Jesus for His Believers in the rapture of the Church to Heaven.


We believe that God and our Constitution has granted us tremendous freedom and liberty. We believe our love for God and focus on freedom for all has made our country great, prosperous, blessed. We believe our country is under spiritual attack. America must turn from it's wicked ways and humbly ask God to be forgiven. We believe, God-willing, our land may yet be saved and restored for a few years to a few decades. This short time of restoration, if granted by the Lord, is for the spreading of the gospel message, to wake up both Christians and non-believers to the soon coming Great Tribulation and the awful horrors, death and Great Deception that will come with it. We already now see a preview of this great deception, evil and lawlessness.


Our goal is to partner with and promote organizations, companies, churches and people that align well with our mission.


Follow us on Social Media to join our freedom crusade.

Learn more about ushow to support or partner with us. was built to unite Patriots together for Good to Serve God, Country and love neighbors as thyself.


Original CRU website (2013) was focused on uniting Conservatives, sharing OUR BIG Problems & solutions. This site will do likewise.


Copyright and Randy Smith. All Rights Reserved. Some images used under Fair Use or Creative Commons license.

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