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FUTURE EVENTS - Rapture :) & 7-Year Great Tribulation (: 


hope for our times prophecy confrence -



This Prophecy Conference is on Sunday, November 8 at 412 Church San Jacinto.


This Prophecy Conference will include the following speakers:


  • James Kaddis

  • Don Stewart

  • Dr. Andy Woods

  • David Tal

  • Tom Hughes


This Conference will be from 8:30AM to 6:00PM.

More details to follow!

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This was a 2-hour event educating Christians with the truth and what’s at stake this election.


Location: Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Church 


Speakers include:


Kirk Cameron, Charlie Kirk, Dinesh D’Souza, Rob McCoy, David Harris, Jr., Cissie Graham Lynch, Dr. Dan Erickson & Pastor Jack Hibbs.

More events coming soon. was built to unite Patriots together for Good to Serve God, Country and love neighbors as thyself.


Original CRU website (2013) was focused on uniting Conservatives, sharing OUR BIG Problems & solutions. This site will do likewise.


Copyright and Randy Smith. All Rights Reserved. Some images used under Fair Use or Creative Commons license.

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