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The signs of the times describing the time just before Jesus would return in the Rapture are told of in Matthew 24. The prophecies of Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38-39, Daniel 9:27 are being set to fulfill.
In 2020 the world has taken one HUGE LEAP toward a nefarious, One-World Government.
The time of Jesus's return to meet His Believers in the Sky and head to Heaven is not far off.
Satan has been more than busy in 2020 as he's preparing the world for a One-World government.
The lies and deception of Satan, AKA the Devil, are ever more transparent and present in 2020.
Satan is using the mainstream media, social and search platforms to DECEIVE THE WORLD.
Satan is using the Covid-19 virus to create fear and GAIN CONTROL over people & governments.
The reality is Covid-19 is NOT A REAL PANDEMIC THREAT to all but the ELDERY and VERY ILL.
Satan is using all the chaos and division we now see in America and the world to create a need for a New World Order, to bring order out of chaos. He will NOT rule BEFORE THE RAPTURE.
After the Church is taken to Heaven, the chaos will be greater than ever and Satan will rise to prominence and to lead the whole world thru a Great Deception, false religion and ominous rule.
Yet the AntiChrist (Satan) will only rule for a short time in the 7-year Great Tribulation before his time ends when Jesus and all the Saints come from Heaven to destroy the armies of Man/Satan.
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