CDC and public motor vehicle data has shown that Covid-19 is less dangerous than auto accidents and about as lethal. Let's take a deep dive into this comparison, count the cost of America's response to Covid-19 and a path forward to flatline the virus as shown by Sweden. Covid-19 changed our country, our world. At first we did not know what we were dealing with. However, that’s not been the case for months now.
Let’s assess the true cost, risk and damage done by Covid-19.
We were locked down for weeks to months. Our economy crashed. Schools, churches, beaches and national forests were closed for months. Many remain closed.
Due to Extended Covid-19 Lock/Shutdowns, Mask and Social Distancing Mandates …
· 20-30 million lost their job, their business or retired early
· 25% of young people have had suicidal thoughts in the past few months
· Suicides are up 21%, drug and alcohol overdoses are up 13%
· Unhealthy eating, obesity, alcohol and drug abuse are all way up
How many more will die in coming years from cancer not being detected at an early stage?
What about the emotional and mental health costs?
What about the relational cost of separation of family and friends from each other?
For sanity’s sake let’s compare the virus to the danger and lethality of auto accidents in America.
2010 Motor Vehicle Accident, Death Data (Source: Wikipedia).
32,999 deaths / 5,419,000 auto accidents = .6% Death Rate
Car Accident Survival Rate = 99.39%
2,239,000 Injuries/ 5,419,000 accidents = 41.3% Injury Rate
Now let’s take a look at the lethality of the virus and compare.
CDC Covid-19 data as of October 5, 2020 …
· 7.45 million cases
· 210,000 deaths
· 90% of deaths = Age 75+, and have average of 2.6 other causes of death
· Only 6% died with Covid-19 as the sole cause of death
· The average age of those dying with Covid-19 as cause of death is age 78.
The average life expectancy in America is 78 years old. Many to most people dying with Covid are in their 80’s and 90’s.
Let’s compare Covid to car accidents.
About 10% of deaths attributed to Covid-19 are under age 70. This equals 21,000 or equal to near half the 38,000+ deaths caused by car accidents each year in America. Now over a full year, this may project to being near equal to number of auto accidents in a year.
The CDC data survival rate from Covid-19 is …
99.997% for ages 0-19
99.8% for ages 20-49
99.5% for ages 50-69
94.6% for ages 70+
The survival rate for auto accidents is 99.39%. This includes those over 70 years old.
For those under age 70 you are more likely to die in a car accident than from Covid and 41% of those in auto accidents suffer injuries, many handicapping, injuring or scaring for life.
The average of 38,000 deaths and nearly a million injuries every year from car accidents is something we accept as part of life in America.
Do not hospitals, physicians know how to handle Covid-19 much better now? Our hospitals were not overrun and our Navy medical ships and camps were barely used.
So why are we still under such harsh medical restrictions if the virus kills mostly the elderly and those with serious health conditions like the common flu does? Why has the true threat of the virus been hyped up to pandemic status? Is this not medical tyranny?
Of course, those at risk should take precaution, but the rest of America should get back to pre-Covid living. After all the risk is less than driving in a car.
If Covid-19 is not a true pandemic or emergency crisis, are not Covid-19 restrictions unwarranted and unconstitutional?
And has not the case to fully reopen America and to flatline the virus without masks or a vaccine been displayed in Sweden? All this without lockdowns or wearing masks. Their cases/deaths have near flatlined since July. View comparison of USA to Sweden Covid-19 strategies below?

I believe Sweden's strategy is clearly the way to go for America. We need to embrace this strategy soon to return to pre-Covid life ASAP. If we don't we may suffer the consequences of being locked down again and having our freedom, liberty taken away from us altogether through this Medical Tyranny. Plus so many more lives will be lost to suicide, obesity, drug and alcohol overdoses and overall emotional and mental health and relationships will take a huge hit. The only way forward I see, is America embracing Sweden's Covid-19 Strategy. For this to happen America must reelect Donald Trump to serve a second term in office. That and perhaps Amy Coney Barrett being appointed to the US Supreme Court in coming weeks to months.
Why would this go to the US Supreme Court? I see though President Trump if reelected will still face battle with Democratic governors, mayors and counties to fully reopen without mask mandates or without Social Distancing (in say 2-3 months after mask mandate ends) and cede the unconstitutional and unwarranted power they have grabbed due to the false premise that Covid-19 was and still is a true pandemic threat. Already the Michigan Supreme Court overruled Governor Whitmer's orders that ignore the 1st, 5th and 14th Constitutional Amendments. So we should see Michigan open fully back up soon. Should we not? And today in California Assemblymen Kevin Kiley and James Gallagher were supposed to be in court suing to end the Autocratic rule of Governor Newsom in issuing unwarranted executive orders over the State of California residents due to the Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency. The CDC data clearly shows that Covid-19 has not been, nor is now, a pandemic crisis. Rather Governor Newsom is writing orders based upon zero medical facts that would exhibit an emergency to the general population or specifically in regards to Covid-19, the true risk being to those over age 70 and with serious health conditions, as noted in this article. So in the end, I do see this existing "Fake Pandemic Crisis" heading to the US Supreme Court. Again, I only see this happening when President Trump wins a second term or perhaps after he begins his second term in late January. If you like this article, PLEASE follow Citizens ReUnited on Facebook, Twitter and share about our site with friends, family, co-workers, whomever needs to hear this message or can benefit from what our site offers and expresses.
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