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The Big Problems w/ Mail-In Voting and Solutions to Make Our Elections Secure Now and in the Future

Writer's picture: Randy SmithRandy Smith

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

Mail-in Ballot Voting has some very serious problems. The process is simply insecure. We'll take a look at past fraud, current and future solutions to secure our voting process. As 80 million unsolicited vote by mail ballots are to be delivered by the US Post Office this week and next, I was thinking of how unsecure voting by mail and voting in person really is.

First, there’s the recent report of ballot harvesting in Minnesota (among many, many others recently and in past years). In this case in Minnesota in 2018 people were getting paid to collect ballots, fill them out and drop them off at polling locations or county registrar’s office. They received a recorded conversation about one person bragging how they had 300 mail in ballots in their car. Another story (unsourced) said guys like this were getting paid $200+ per ballot filled out for US Congress Representative Ilhan Omar.

Here’s an article on this story.

I could very easily imagine dozens to hundreds of mail in ballots being collected by a postal worker to then resell for $50 to $100 each for simply handing off to group of people that would then fill out these ballots for their candidate of choice and dropping off at polling locations and registrar offices. And of course what’s stopping thieves from entering a postal worker’s van when they are on route and away from their van to steal dozens to hundreds of ballots?

It’s simply unbelievable the lack of security that exists to prevent fraudulent voting via mail in ballots. I read another story where it was found that 450,000 names of deceased citizens were still in the registrars database. How easy would it be for someone to use mail in ballot or even walk into voting booth to vote a 2nd time for deceased spouse, relative or friend? And lastly, they are NOT checking IDs at voting booths. Really? And states are fighting for non-signature validation of voters too? Really! Arggh! And perhaps the most relevant example of mail-in ballots having a serious impact on elections is what happened in the California 2018 election. On election eve, 6 Republicans were declared winners or had sizeable leads. Then came 250,000 mail-in ballots and each of those House seats went to Democrats. This is very, very concerning. How were mail-in ballots so dominantly Democratic and vs. in person voting? No fraud or suspicion of fraud there whatsoever, right? Here's a quote from the story covered by Fox News. Here's the link to this story. "Two years ago, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law AB1921, which legalized the so-called practice of “ballot harvesting.”

"Anecdotally there was a lot of evidence that ballot harvesting was going on,” Neal Kelley, the registrar for voters in Southern California’s Orange County, told Fox News.

In Orange County – once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state– every House seat went to a Democrat after an unprecedented “250,000” vote-by-mail drop-offs were counted, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

“People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling to ask if these people were allowed to do this,” Kelley said."

Let me preempt this next paragraph so you may better appreciate the paragraph following regarding securing our voting.

I have much expertise in securing payment transactions. I invented a secure Digital Cloud Wallet mobile payment system and app in 2010 that was issued a US Patent in 2014. I also invented in like 2013 or 2014 secure ways to process tax returns so they don’t get stolen (that’s still a $5 billion a year problem). In 2002 or so I invented secure way to turn on and off your payment cards and credit file so thieves could not use stolen cards or your Social Security Number to commit fraud. You can view the core of these ideas at my site While some of these ideas have come partially into reality, most of them have not. Why not? The credit bureaus earn $5-$10 billion a year from credit monitoring programs. If the problem of Identity Theft is solved, they lose that revenue. Granted they could charge more per user to turn on this system to prevent new credit being issued, thru means of controlling the issuance of credit files, but all the credit bureaus would have to coordinate efforts to make comprehensive and secure. Plus they need a system that is app based and works in real-time too. They also need to allow for granting their credit file to a specific creditor. This provides lock and key control over one’s credit standing. And same with some credit card issuers enabling you to turn on and off your cards for use. Yet, there is not one universal app to do this. I mapped out and even had developed prototype app for such yet the payment networks and processors simply have not acted as insurance covers their fraud losses. Such costs are passed along to consumers by merchants as the cost to process payment transactions is .25% to as high as 5% per transaction.

The Future of Secure Voting and Elections

So in light of what I share, is there any reason in our day of sophisticated technology we could not have a dynamically generated, one-time use code issued via phone app and texted to voter’s phone or their email address. Of course users of this app would need to have had authenticated their identity with state registrar before they could use this app. This is done when citizens register to vote so adding the app and text voting code would be no big deal. The voting code would then be entered to be able to vote in person or to make valid a paper mail in ballot. This would eliminate most voting fraud. If someone had not a phone or email address they could present their driver’s license and bankcard to verify their identity and they would officially update their voter registration in so doing and be issued a voter code instantly to vote in person. And in conclusion, after the ballot had been entered, it could be recorded via Blockchain tech and unable to be changed. A Confirmation Code could also be issued to voter so they may review their cast ballot. Their vote would remain private to voter but do more than just provide voter with simply a confirmation their ballot was recorded.

Why do we not have such in place already? Why?

Mainly because the Democrats don’t want this type of secure voting system in place. And such a system, as far as I know has not been built or presented to Congress to be built.

BTW, with public disclosure of this voting system solution, no one can patent it. Of course, unless it has already been invented or patented or even built and simply Congress has not passed legislation as such to secure our voting with contemporary technology as such.

Now, since updating insecure voting system is not possible in the next month, I ask what could be done to prevent fraudulent voting?

Here’s a few ideas.

First, could not the FBI and local law enforcement enact a public “Sting Operation” in acting like they are soliciting on Craigslist, Social Media, even text or email to pay people $1,000’s in a week to help procure getting more votes for either candidate or party? They’d then meet privately online or in person in sharing exact role of job and the pay. Those that accept doing the job would then be made aware this is illegal, possibly arrested or officially warned and added to their FBI profile.

Second, could not the President encourage local law enforcement to be present all day long at polling locations to deter illegals from voting or even poll workers from committing fraud?

Third, should not large signs be posted in polling places stating the fines and minimal time to be served in prison for committing any type of voter fraud including voting for or knowingly permitting another to vote for another person dead or alive, voting as non-citizen of the United States of America, voting when under age 18 or illegally voting when criminal record and/or fines not paid to state have been paid to regrant a citizen’s right to vote.

And lastly, should not local law enforcement be encouraged to work with US Post Office to be present in neighborhoods where mail in ballots are being delivered that day? Maybe this is already happening? And if this is too much for law enforcement to handle, could they not add citizen volunteers to perform following postal worker vans to make sure no ballots are stolen. And of course, the vans themselves would need to be followed from when they leave the post office to end of day when they return to ensure all ballots are kept secure. Is all this being done now? If you like this article, PLEASE follow Citizens ReUnited on Facebook, Twitter and share about our site with friends, family, co-workers, whomever needs to hear this message or can benefit from what our site offers and expresses. And even forward to media or your Congressman or Senator for consideration.

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